Inktober Castles

Blackwater Manor is not a place you would just come by. There is no road you might happen upon. No well worn path to wander past. The entire manor is surrounded by various and interlocking labyrinths. If you find yourself at Blackwater Manor you were meant to be here.

The first thing you will notice if you are standing in front of the home is the columns. Columns that look like the guardians of the house with offering bowls in their hands or at their feet. Leave bread, milk, and wine, or even a yellow rose. It is impossible to say what they look like since they look young, old, male, female, cripple, or strong depending on what appearance will bring you comfort.

Stone for the house quarried on site timber was taken from the deepest parts of the forests. There are tales of what had to be left behind for the forest to trade its’ oldest trees. Those are just tales. If one were to believe them one would have to ask if the forest felt it had gotten a fair deal.

Gargoyles really are misunderstood pets. They protect. They were charmed and created to protect but they have the discretion and abject cruelty level of your average barn cat. They find you weak. A poor hunter. It is best not to be too surprised with what they bring to your doorstep in what ever level of death the gargoyle felt was appropriate.

As large as the manor is it is unfathomably large inside. I will guide you as best I can. Being a person who has acquired this non book I can tell you are a curious sort given to flights of fancy. You are certainly the type to explore. At the end of this section there will be a place for you to write of the rooms garden and labyrinths you have found when you peeled off from the guided tour.


Fairycore Wall Art: "God Save The King" features a young fairy heroically rescuing the injured Rabbit King in a lush forest setting


Gargoyle Watercolor