Penelope The Pug
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New Nursery WallArt from Pug Picturebook
Penelope the pug Kawaii illustration
New picture book in the making!
Meet Penelope the pug who is having a VERY hard day thanks to a ballet recital that did not go as planned due to Kit10’s spotlight hogging ways.
What is a perfect pirouetting pug to do when feeling petulant?
Can Pretty Poppy the bullfrog’s perceptive wisdom save the day?
Sample Chapter from New Bedtime Picturebook
Penelope the pug positive felt peevish at the repugnant way Kit10 had preened and pranced while Penelope tried to perform her best pirouette..
Penelope pouted in her corner perfecting the drool on her lower lip that sparkled in the sun. Pretty Poppy the bullfrog popped on by procuring a seat on Penelope’s perturbing pad.
”Pen why are you puffered out like a porcupine?”
”Kit10 persisted on pirrouting during my performance! I wanted my poignant moment in the spotlight.” Penelope almost toppled over as she tried to bring her paws together over her heart causing Pretty Poppy to pop off her tail and end up nose to snout.
”Now Penelope no one asked you to leave the stage. You left one your own.”
”But Kit10,” Poppy poised a flipper in the air.
”I will have a pap talk to Kit10 and if you feel particularly patient we might see if you tell her how you felt. Pertaining to the moment the show is still moving on shall you go up there and pose?”
”What if Poppy pursues the spotlight again?”
”You have perceived the problem my Plucky Penelope, you nor I can control Kit10 actions. With that in mind how shall we proceed?”
Penelope polished off her shoes and licked herself sparkling before presenting herself on stage. She to a quick breath and began to dance. Moments later Kit10 took to the stage as well. While Perturbed Penelope incorporated all of Kit10’ steps into her own funny dance. The audience howled and Kit10 the clever cat the she was preened and played into the joke. The two of the took their bow to thunderous applause.