Fairy Character Art for Horror RPG Blackwater Manor: Bonus Chapter
New Fairy Character Design for Horror RPG Blackwater Manor
We have been working hard to get Blackwater Manor out and in your hands. We have been super busy inventing new magical objects, hidden libraries, and of course special characters. The Hunted One is near and dear to my heart. Not all of us are meant to rush in to danger bravely swinging a sword. That does not mean that even those of us who might freeze or search for the exit do not have a place in adventure. Read below for the Hunted One’s story.
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The Hunted One
The Hunted One
Her eyes are wide set far apart. They almost never blink. She jumps easily. Says little. Most avoid her. She has a way of taking things hard. Not understanding jokes mean spirited or not. Others think she is weak.
Easily destroyed. Too fragile to bother bullying. But if one feels hunted one is always aware. One would see everything and if the hunted is not seen as a threat and is quiet it is amazing what others will let slip. What others will do when they think no one of consequence is watching